Pack your bags

Cooped up in the office every day, it’s sometimes hard to feel like you’re part of something bigger. You work with the same people, deal with same problems, send the same emoticons and go to the same $2 coffee joint. When you read interesting stories like this, there is quite a bit of disconnect between that and the java web-service you’ve spent all day working on.

One of the things that I’m most excited about with the Corporate Service Corps program is the ability to meet, and work with IBMers from around the globe. It was one of the primary reasons for me apply for the program. The Ghana assignment team is comprised of Client Executives, Chip Designers, Application Developers, Financial Analysts and Sales People from every business unit and every continent. Oh, and me. There are very few companies in the world that have the ability to offer these kinds of opportunities to employees.

So it’s my last day before heading off to Johannesburg tomorrow morning at an eyeball bleeding 6:30am. I’ll see you on the other side of the ditch.